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Elected representatives in government are in charge of the policy and funding that can make or break saving threatened species. Their decisions and actions matter.

Page has or used to have 34 threatened animals within its boundaries. One of them is me, the Clarence River Cod.

We took care to attach appropriate images that are as close to representative of each species as our resources and the availability of images allowed. However, we could not ensure perfect accuracy in every case. Some images show species that share the same genus but not at the species or subspecies level.

Photo of Clarence River Cod

Clarence River Cod

Maccullochella ikei

Status: Endangered

The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) lists threatened species under six categories:
Extinct, Extinct in the wild, Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable, Conservation dependent. Read more about these categories

Maccullochella ikei has greater than 80% of its range within Page

The only breeding population of the species is in the Mann-Nymboida sub-catchment of the Clarence River. Previously, the species was also known from the Richmond and Brisbane Rivers, where it is now extinct. There is thought to be less than 100 mature individuals in the wild. The Clarence River cod prefers clear rocky streams and rivers with low flow velocity and abundant instream cover of rocks, timber or tussocks. Research indicates that Clarence River Cod are associated with deeper parts of the river near cover, especially around rocky islands, large boulders and pools in fast-flowing water. Large woody debris and rocky overhangs may provide shelter and important spawning sites. Females deposit eggs onto hard surfaces, such as rocks and hollow logs. The female leaves after eggs are deposited and the care of the nest is carried out exclusively by the male. The male will continue to defend the nest site and eggs until they hatch.¹

Explore more about this species on the Atlas of Living Australia

Changed surface and groundwater regimesChanged surface and groundwater regimes

Climate change and severe weatherClimate change and severe weather

Habitat loss, fragmentation and degradationHabitat loss, fragmentation and degradation

Overexploitation and other direct harm from human activitiesOverexploitation and other direct harm from human activities

Explore more about the threats facing species on our Resources page.

Page has or used to have 95 threatened plants found within its boundaries. Some of these might not be as photogenic as the Clarence River Cod but they're just as important.

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