Elected representatives in government are in charge of the policy and funding that can make or break saving threatened species. Their decisions and actions matter.
Gippsland has or used to have 45 threatened animals within its boundaries. One of them is me, the Australian Painted Snipe.
We took care to attach appropriate images that are as close to representative of each species as our resources and the availability of images allowed. However, we could not ensure perfect accuracy in every case. Some images show species that share the same genus but not at the species or subspecies level.
Australian Painted Snipe
Rostratula australis
Status: Endangered
The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) lists threatened species under six categories:
Extinct, Extinct in the wild, Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable, Conservation dependent. Read more about these categories
Rostratula australis is found across 145 electorates.
The Australian Painted Snipe is a stocky wading bird around 220–250 mm in length with a long pinkish bill. The adult female, more colourful than the male, has a chestnut-coloured head, with white around the eye and a white crown stripe, and metallic green back and wings, barred with black and chestnut. There is a pale stripe extending from the shoulder into a V down its upper back. The adult male is similar to the female, but is smaller and duller with buff spots on the wings and without any chestnut colouring on the head, nape or throat. This species is generally seen singly or in pairs, or less often in small flocks. Flocking occurs during the breeding season, when adults sometimes form loose gatherings around a group of nests. Flocks can also form after the breeding season, and at some locations small groups regularly occur. Groups comprising of a male and up to six offspring have been observed.¹
Explore more about this species on the Atlas of Living Australia
Changed surface and groundwater regimes
Climate change and severe weather
Disrupted ecosystem and population processes
Invasive species and diseases
Explore more about the threats facing species on our Resources page.
- Limestone Blue Wattle (Acacia caerulescens)
- River Swamp Wallaby-grass (Amphibromus fluitans)
- Shining Cudweed (Argyrotegium nitidulum)
- Maidenhair Spleenwort (Asplenium hookerianum)
- Aniseed Boronia (Boronia galbraithiae)
- Eastern Spider Orchid (Caladenia orientalis)
- Thick-lipped Spider-orchid (Caladenia tessellata)
- Forrester's Bottlebrush (Callistemon forresterae)
- Betka Bottlebrush (Callistemon kenmorrisonii)
- Curtis' Colobanth (Colobanthus curtisiae)
- Dwarf Kerrawang (Commersonia prostrata)
- Genoa River Correa (Correa lawrenceana var. genoensis)
- Leafless Tongue-orchid (Cryptostylis hunteriana)
- Narrow-leaf Bent-grass (Deyeuxia pungens)
- Matted Flax-lily (Dianella amoena)
- Pale Golden Moths (Diuris ochroma)
- Trailing Hop-bush (Dodonaea procumbens)
- Bog Willow-herb (Epilobium brunnescens subsp. beaugleholei)
- Strzelecki Gum (Eucalyptus strzeleckii)
- Purple Eyebright (Euphrasia collina subsp. muelleri)
- Thick Eyebright (Euphrasia crassiuscula subsp. glandulifera)
- Bogong Eyebright (Euphrasia eichleri)
- Clover Glycine (Glycine latrobeana)
- Colquhoun Grevillea (Grevillea celata)
- Spiny Pepper-cress (Lepidium aschersonii)
- Basalt Pepper-cress (Lepidium hyssopifolium)
- Hoary Sunray (Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor)
- Lobelia gelida (Lobelia gelida)
- Leafy Nematolepis (Nematolepis frondosa)
- Harsh Nematolepis (Nematolepis squamea subsp. coriacea)
- Marble Daisy-bush (Olearia astroloba)
- Omeo Stork's-bill (Pelargonium sp. Striatellum )
- Rufous Pomaderris (Pomaderris brunnea)
- Cotoneaster Pomaderris (Pomaderris cotoneaster)
- Pale Pomaderris (Pomaderris pallida)
- Bent Pomaderris (Pomaderris sericea)
- Round-leaf Pomaderris (Pomaderris vacciniifolia)
- Gaping Leek-orchid (Prasophyllum correctum)
- Maroon Leek-orchid (Prasophyllum frenchii)
- Mignonette Leek-orchid (Prasophyllum morganii)
- Tarengo Leek Orchid (Prasophyllum petilum)
- Dense Leek-orchid (Prasophyllum spicatum)
- Wellington Mintbush (Prostanthera galbraithiae)
- Green-striped Greenhood (Pterostylis chlorogramma)
- Leafy Greenhood (Pterostylis cucullata)
- Blue-tongued Orchid (Pterostylis oreophila)
- Enigmatic Greenhood (Pterostylis X aenigma)
- Pultenaea parrisiae (Pultenaea parrisiae)
- Swamp Fireweed (Senecio psilocarpus)
- Metallic Sun-orchid (Thelymitra epipactoides)
- Spiral Sun-orchid (Thelymitra matthewsii)
- Austral Toadflax (Thesium australe)
- Snowy River Westringia (Westringia cremnophila)
- Swamp Everlasting (Xerochrysum palustre)
- Lemon-scented Zieria (Zieria citriodora)
You are in federal electorate Gippsland.