Elected representatives in government are in charge of the policy and funding that can make or break saving threatened species. Their decisions and actions matter.
Flynn has or used to have 43 threatened animals within its boundaries. One of them is me, the Herald Petrel.
We took care to attach appropriate images that are as close to representative of each species as our resources and the availability of images allowed. However, we could not ensure perfect accuracy in every case. Some images show species that share the same genus but not at the species or subspecies level.
Herald Petrel
Pterodroma heraldica
Status: Critically Endangered
The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) lists threatened species under six categories:
Extinct, Extinct in the wild, Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable, Conservation dependent. Read more about these categories
Pterodroma heraldica is found across 6 electorates.
No information was found for this species on the Species Profile and Threats Database (SPRAT) website, which is the database designed to provide information on species listed as threatened under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999. This does not mean there is no information out there. We encourage you to do a web search using the scientific latin name.¹
Explore more about this species on the Atlas of Living Australia
Invasive species and diseases
Explore more about the threats facing species on our Resources page.
- Acacia attenuata (Acacia attenuata)
- Acacia deuteroneura (Acacia deuteroneura)
- Acacia eremophiloides (Acacia eremophiloides)
- Acacia grandifolia (Acacia grandifolia)
- Acacia porcata (Acacia porcata)
- Isis Tamarind (Alectryon ramiflorus)
- Apatophyllum olsenii (Apatophyllum olsenii)
- Aristida annua (Aristida annua)
- Hairy-joint Grass (Arthraxon hispidus)
- Yarwun Whitewood (Atalaya collina)
- a shrub (Bertya granitica)
- Bertya opponens (Bertya opponens)
- Three-leaved Bosistoa (Bosistoa transversa)
- Miniature Moss-orchid (Bulbophyllum globuliforme)
- Ooline (Cadellia pentastylis)
- Capparis thozetiana (Capparis thozetiana)
- Coopernookia scabridiuscula (Coopernookia scabridiuscula)
- Glen Geddes Bloodwood (Corymbia xanthope)
- Cossinia (Cossinia australiana)
- Wedge-leaf Tuckeroo (Cupaniopsis shirleyana)
- Cycas megacarpa (Cycas megacarpa)
- Cycas ophiolitica (Cycas ophiolitica)
- Daviesia discolor (Daviesia discolor)
- Decaspermum struckoilicum (Decaspermum struckoilicum)
- Small-leaved Denhamia (Denhamia parvifolia)
- King Blue-grass (Dichanthium queenslandicum)
- Bluegrass (Dichanthium setosum)
- Salt Pipewort (Eriocaulon carsonii)
- Bean's Ironbark (Eucalyptus beaniana)
- Goodwood Gum (Eucalyptus hallii)
- Black Ironbox (Eucalyptus raveretiana)
- Eucalyptus virens (Eucalyptus virens)
- a herb (Euphorbia obliqua)
- Fontainea venosa (Fontainea venosa)
- Germainia capitata (Germainia capitata)
- Holly-leaved Graptophyllum (Graptophyllum ilicifolium)
- Three-veined Hakea (Hakea trineura)
- Tall Velvet Sea-berry (Haloragis exalata subsp. velutina)
- a shrub (Homoranthus decumbens)
- Proston Lasiopetalum (Lasiopetalum sp. Proston )
- Logania diffusa (Logania diffusa)
- Macadamia Nut (Macadamia integrifolia)
- Bulberin Nut (Macadamia jansenii)
- a cycad (Macrozamia lomandroides)
- Macrozamia parcifolia (Macrozamia parcifolia)
- Pineapple Zamia (Macrozamia pauli-guilielmi)
- a cycad (Macrozamia platyrhachis)
- Marsdenia brevifolia (Marsdenia brevifolia)
- Medicosma elliptica (Medicosma elliptica)
- Neoroepera buxifolia (Neoroepera buxifolia)
- Newcastelia velutina (Newcastelia velutina)
- Mt Larcom Silk Pod (Parsonsia larcomensis)
- Lesser Swamp-orchid (Phaius australis)
- Mt Berryman Phebalium (Phebalium distans)
- Pimelea leptospermoides (Pimelea leptospermoides)
- Polianthion minutiflorum (Polianthion minutiflorum)
- Pomaderris clivicola (Pomaderris clivicola)
- Pultenaea setulosa (Pultenaea setulosa)
- Austral Cornflower (Rhaponticum australe)
- Quassia (Samadera bidwillii)
- Solanum dissectum (Solanum dissectum)
- Solanum johnsonianum (Solanum johnsonianum)
- Capella Potato Bush (Solanum orgadophilum)
- Sophora fraseri (Sophora fraseri)
- Tectaria devexa (Tectaria devexa)
- Austral Toadflax (Thesium australe)
- Penda (Xanthostemon oppositifolius)
- Xerothamnella herbacea (Xerothamnella herbacea)
- Zieria verrucosa (Zieria verrucosa)
You are in federal electorate Flynn.