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Elected representatives in government are in charge of the policy and funding that can make or break saving threatened species. Their decisions and actions matter.

Fairfax has or used to have 31 threatened animals within its boundaries. One of them is me, the Wallum Sedge Frog.

We took care to attach appropriate images that are as close to representative of each species as our resources and the availability of images allowed. However, we could not ensure perfect accuracy in every case. Some images show species that share the same genus but not at the species or subspecies level.

Photo of Wallum Sedge Frog

Wallum Sedge Frog

Litoria olongburensis

Status: Vulnerable

The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) lists threatened species under six categories:
Extinct, Extinct in the wild, Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable, Conservation dependent. Read more about these categories

Litoria olongburensis is found across 12 electorates.

The Wallum Sedge Frog is a small tree-frog that makes a soft 'buzzing' call. The snout-to-vent length of adult males is approximately 25 mm, while the SVL of adult females is 27–31 mm. The tip of the snout is pointed and protrudes beyond the lower jaw. The canthus rostralis is sharp and angular in cross section and the loreal region is flat and vertical. The dorsal colouration is grey-brown, beige or bright green, occasionally with dark flecking. Skin is smooth or shagreened above, finely granular on the throat, but coarsely granular below. The venter of frogs is usually white except for the throat, which may be peppered with brown, or a shade of green. A dark brown stripe runs from the snout through the eye and tympanum. A prominent white streak, starting below the eye, runs back over the shoulder onto the flanks, breaking up into a series of raised spots. The vomerine teeth are between the choanae and in short rows. The hindlimbs are long and the toes are partly webbed while the fingers have vestigial webbing. The finger discs and toepads are conspicuous. The species has a moderate oval inner and a small rounded outer metatarsal tubercle. The posterior thigh is light blue or purple-blue above and orange below, or orange-pink with faint brown wash above. Usually there is some blue colouration in the groin as well.¹

Explore more about this species on the Atlas of Living Australia

Adverse fire regimesAdverse fire regimes

Changed surface and groundwater regimesChanged surface and groundwater regimes

Habitat loss, fragmentation and degradationHabitat loss, fragmentation and degradation

Invasive species and diseasesInvasive species and diseases

Explore more about the threats facing species on our Resources page.

Fairfax has or used to have 31 threatened plants found within its boundaries. Some of these might not be as photogenic as the Wallum Sedge Frog but they're just as important.

You are in federal electorate Fairfax.

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